The Acting Minister of Higher Education, Mawlana Sheikh Al Quran and Hadith Neda Muhammad Nadim، may Allah save him، and his respectful delegation arrived to Farah Institute of Higher Education.

شنبه ۱۴۰۲/۱۰/۱۶ - ۲۰:۵۹

On 15/9/1402, correspond to 22/5/1445, the Acting Minister of Higher Education, Mawlana Sheikh Al Quran and Hadith Neda Muhammad Nadim, may Allah save him, and his respectful delegation, came to Farah Institute of Higher Education. The meeting was held in the Gymnasium of Farah Institute of Higher Education. In this meeting, the Deputy Governor of Farah Province, Mawlavi Abdul Karim Johadyar, the Administrative Deputy of Farah Ulema Council, Sheikh Molana Abdul Qawi Haqani, the Chancellor of Farah Institute of Higher Education Institute, Mawlavi Samiullah Haqani, the vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs, Abdul Basir Rahmani, vice chancellor of Administrative and Finance, Mawlavi Abdul Nafi Monib, Deans of the four Faculties, head of Departments, teachers, students of the Farah Institute of Higher Education and the students of Madrassas participated.

The meeting started with the recitation of verses from Holy Quran by Mawlavi Shah Waliullah. Then, Mr. Mawlavi Samiullah Haqani, the chancellor of Farah Higher Education Institute, welcomed the Acting Minister of Higher Education and all the participants. He added in his speech to the students and teachers, that all of us must know our main goal, which is the rising of Kalematullah and the support of Islam. Also, we should protect ourselves from any kind of discrimination and we should be honest in our job and duties. After that,  the Administrative Deputy of Farah Ulema Council, Sheikh Mawlana Abdul Qawi Haqani welcomed the respectful minister and talked about the problems of Farah Higher Education Institute and asked his highness to solve the problem of this university. He asked to evalavate the institute to a university, to build the perimeter wall of the university and to build some labrotories for the faculties of the university. After that, Mawlavi Abdul Karim Johadyar, the Deputy Governor of Farah Province, gave a speech. He asked the participants to have unity among themselves and obey their superiors. Also he asked the Minister to transfer the needs of Farahi People to the cabinets of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Later, the vice chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs of Farah Institute of Higher Education Abdul Basir Rahmani, on behalf of all the teachers gave full assurance to  the Minister of Higher Education   that we all stand behind the  Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan  with full sincerity and pure intention.

Later, Acting Minister of Higher Education,  Mawlana . Sheikh Al-Quran and Hadith Nada Muhammad Nadim gave his scholarly speech to the participants of the meeting.  Respectable  Minister  said that it is necessary for all of us to protect Islam and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Therefore, he requested all of the participants to avoid from the conspiracy and propaganda of the foreign countries. Also he requested the teachers to instruct and train the students with an Islamic and Afghani belief. At the end of his speech, the Minister said that the purpose of this visit was to listen to the problems of Farah Institute of Higher Education , to meet with Sheikhs and other officials. In the end, two appreciation letters were given to Mr. Abdul Basir Rahmani, the Vice-Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, and Maulvi Abdul Nafi Monib, Vice-Chancellor of Administration and Finance by the respectful Minister. The meeting ended with the prayer of Mawlana Muhammad Hussain one of Johadi Madrassa’s teachers.

تازه ترین اخبار

شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۴/۳۰ - ۸:۳۷
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خبر خوش برای مردم عزیز، علم‌پرور و فرهنگ‌دوست ولایت فراه!

مؤسسۀ تحصیلات عالی فراه در طول تاریخ تحصیلات عالی افغانستان در سطح پوهنتون‌ها و نهادهای تحصیلات عالی دولتی و خصوصی به‌رقابت پرداخت و توانست در سال ۱۴۰۳ برای اولین بار بلندترین نمره را. . .

سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۴/۲۶ - ۸:۴۶
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سمينار روش دعوت و فن سخنوری دائر گردید!

دوشنبه مؤرخ ( ۱۴۰۳٫۴٫۲۵ه‍ ش)که مصادف است با (۱۴۴۶٫۱٫۹ ه‍ ق) سمینار روش دعوت و فن سخنوری به ابتکار پوهنځی شرعيات مؤسسه تحصیلات عالی فراه دائر گردید. 
نخست سمینار با تلاوت قرآن کریم توسط. . .

یکشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۲/۲۳ - ۱۴:۱۷
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هشت دیپارتمنت از پوهنځی تعليم و تربیه طی یک مراسمی جریده‌های علمی- تحقيقی خود را افتتاح کردند

دوشنبه مورخ ۱۴۰۳٫۲٫۱۷ پوهنځی تعلیم و تربیه (۷) جریده‌ی دیواری خود را با نام ها و مطالب مختلف افتتاح کردند. در این نشست افتتاحیه، رئيس مؤسسه‌ی تحصیلات عالی فراه محترم مولوی سمیع الله. . .