The four faculties and main committees of the Farah Institute of Higher Institution presented their six months report for the leadership of the institute.

On 8/ 9 / 1402, correspond to 15/5/1445, the reports presentation of the four faculties and main committees of Farah Institute of Higher Education Institution started and ended on 9/9/1402.
During presentation of the reports, the leadership board of the Farah Institute of Higher Education, members of the main committees, the dean of the faculties, the head of departments and teachers participated. The presentation started with the recitation from the verses of Holy Quran. Prof. Abdul Basir Rahmani, the vice chancellor of academic and students affaires gave an opening speech and discussed the importance of giving reports. He mentioned that it is the first time that faculties and the committees present their achievements and share their unfinished works and their suggestions for future improvements. He promised that such program will be continued in future, also he said that the leadership of the Institution will solve the problem of the faculties and the committees.
Then, the dean of Theology Faculty, Mufti Seraj Ahmad Rashed, Mr. Ahmed Zia Noori, the acting dean of Economics Faculty, Mr. Mohammad Yazdan Parast the acting dean of Education Faculty, and Mr. Shah Mahmood Noorzai, the acting dean of Agriculture Faculty, one by one presented their reports on the progressing work, problems, needs and future plans of their faculties.
After that, the Strategic Plan Committee, the Curriculum Committee, the Order and Discipline Committee, the Cultural Committee, the Assurance Quality Committee, Electronic-Learning Committee, Examinations Committee, the Research Committee, Periodic Review Committee, the Consulting Committee, the Complaints Committee, the Financial Committee and Sports Committee presented their reports. The reports were presented authentically in the presence of Chancellor and vice chancellor, dean of faculties and teachers of Farah Institute of Higher Education. They shared their progressing work, obstacles, needs, future plans, and asked for cooperation for more services.
Later, Mawlavi Samiullah Haqqani, the Chancellor of the Farah Institute of Higher Education concluded the program and said that presenting the reports in this way is a new step that can be useful in the development and achievements of this institute. He asked all the participants to work with an Islamic and religious believe. He also insisted to have a good behavior with students and encourage them all the times. Also he advised all officials to respect Ulama and use from their knowledge and advices. The program ended with the prayer by Mufti Seraj Ahmad Rashed the dean of Theology Faculty.