Chancellor of the Farah Higher Education Institute

5 days 22 hours ago

Alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salamu ‘ala Rasulillah

What happened to those who stood in the fight?

Who shone like stars in the darkest night?

At the outset, it is only fitting to commemorate the valiant warriors who, through their unwavering sacrifice and resilience, repelled the arrogance of three colonial invaders and, after years of struggle, overcame suffering and sorrow. These devoted martyrs, who selflessly gave their lives for noble aspirations, may Allah grant them the highest ranks in Jannah al-Firdaws. Rahimakum Allah birahmatihi al-wasi‘ah.

O noble people of Afghanistan, who have endured the trials of history!

Our struggles and hardships are shared, our aspirations and hopes are united, and our sacrifices and perseverance stand as a testament to our resilience throughout history. Now that we have been blessed with independence and freedom, it is incumbent upon us to prostrate in gratitude, dedicate ourselves to progress, and, instead of engaging in grievances and disputes, commit wholeheartedly to the preservation and continuity of the Islamic system. Undoubtedly, unwavering support for the Islamic Emirate will ensure lasting security, economic stability, and the safeguarding of our honor and sovereignty.

As the Islamic system prioritizes knowledge and education above all, significant efforts are underway to enhance the quality and accessibility of academic and educational institutions. In this regard, the leadership of Farah Higher Education Institution remains steadfast in its commitment to advancing scientific and academic growth in alignment with the Islamic system. In the near future, the institution aims to introduce groundbreaking developments and innovative achievements to the academic community.


We’ve sailed through storms, we’ve walked through pain

Now ignorance falls, no power remains

Wa al-salam


Mawlawi Samiullah Haqqani

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فراه د لوړو زده کړو مؤسسې د ښوونې او روزنې پوهنځي محصلینو د مونوګرافونو د دفاع پیلزیزې غونډې جریان

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د فراه لوړو زده کړو مؤسسې علمي کادري بست خبرتیا !

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د  ښوونې او روزنې  پوهنځی :
  دري ادبیاتو . . .

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اعلان بست های کارکنان خدمات ملکی مؤسسۀ تحصیلات عالی فراه!

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  2. مدی . . .
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اعلان بست های کادری علمی مؤسسه تحصیلات عالی فراه !

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ديپارتمنت روانشناسی (۱) بست.
دي . . .

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