Agriculture Faculty
The Farah Higher Education Institution is one of Afghanistan’s academic and research centers, established in 2012. To address the challenges of increasing agricultural and livestock production and the shortage of technical, professional, and specialized personnel in the agriculture and livestock sectors of Farah province, an academic and educational institution named the Faculty of Agriculture was established in 2013 under the auspices of the Farah Higher Education Institution, following approval from the esteemed Ministry of Higher Education.
The primary objective of establishing this faculty is to train researchers, technical, and professional experts in agriculture and to make scientific use of natural resources. Its goals also include conducting research, promoting modern agricultural sciences, enhancing professional skills, fostering innovation in agriculture, contributing to the development of agricultural strategies, and cultivating a cadre of academic personnel for sustainable agriculture.
The faculty comprises two departments: Agronomy and Agricultural Economics and Development. Students in these departments are engaged in acquiring professional knowledge and skills. Before 2018, admission to the Faculty of Agriculture was general, following a nationwide entrance examination. Students enrolled in this faculty pursued a general curriculum until the fourth semester. After the fourth semester, based on their interests and the faculty’s internal regulations and procedures, students were assigned to specific departments. In recent years, department assignments have been made from the first semester of the academic year through the entrance examination, allowing students to choose their preferred departments.
Since its inception, the Agronomy and Agricultural Economics and Development departments of this faculty have graduated 578 students at the bachelor's level. The first graduating class was in 2018. The majority of these graduates are employed in Farah province, neighboring provinces, the capital, and northern provinces, providing agricultural services to farmers, livestock herders, and their compatriots. Recently, some of these graduates have pursued higher studies abroad.
In response to contemporary demands and societal needs, the departments of Horticulture and Plant Protection have been approved by the Higher Council for the year 2024. Additionally, the faculty intends to establish departments of Soil Science, Forestry and Natural Resources, Animal Sciences, and Food Technology in collaboration with the administration of the Farah Higher Education Institution and the Ministry of Higher Education.
The Faculty of Agriculture, through its scientific and research activities, strives to train professional and specialized personnel in the fields of agriculture and livestock to meet the needs of society and to be recognized as one of the leading agricultural faculties among educational institutions in the country.
The faculty’s mission is to educate professional and specialized individuals in agriculture and conduct research on pioneering solutions to the existing challenges in this sector. The faculty carries out this duty with a strong commitment to the development of plant sciences, horticulture, extension, livestock, plant protection, and other disciplines to achieve outstanding results.
- Respect and preservation of Islamic, national, and academic values;
- Good and effective management;
- Transparency and clarity in work;
- Prevention of all forms of corruption;
- Good spirit and ethics with people based on Islamic laws;
- Religious, loyal, and committed to the values of higher education in the country.
- The Faculty of Agriculture of Farah Higher Education Institution believes that it will achieve the following goals within the next five years, in accordance with its mission and vision:
- Training scientific and professional personnel at the bachelor's level based on the needs of society;
- Collaboration with institutions in advancing the quality assurance and accreditation process;
- Creation and development of scientific and research programs needed by society;
- Development and expansion of infrastructure in terms of quantity and quality;
- Utilization of partnerships and memorandums of understanding with educational and non-educational institutions to enhance the capacity of faculty members and students of this faculty;
- Capacity building of faculty members and staff to improve quality and professionalism.
Active Committees at the Faculty Leve
- Quality Enhancement Committee
- Research Committee
- Cultural, Publications, and Sports Committee
- Discipline, Order, and Complaints Hearing Committee
- Examination Committee
- Curriculum and Course Syllabus Committee
- Student Committee
- Strategic Planning Committee
- E-Learning Committee
Facilities and Equipment's
- A two-story building for teaching and administrative purposes.
- Experienced professors with Master's degrees.
- A faculty-level library.
- A 140 hectare agricultural research farm.
- Standard classrooms equipped with projectors, LCDs, whiteboards, podiums, and chairs.
- Faculty-wide internet access.
- 24-hour solar electricity.
- A well-equipped laboratory at the faculty level.