Sharia Faculty of Farah Institute of Higher Education



The Faculty of Sharia of Farah Institute of Higher Education was established in 1401 by having two departments, Islamic Education and Jurisprudence and Law, for the needs of the Afghan society with the proposal of the head of the Farah Institute Higher Education and the approval of the honorable Ministry of Higher Education.

There are 15 professors in this faculty, all of whom are scholars and muftis and well educated. There are three hardworking managers in the Teaching Affairs, Department Affairs and library.

Because this faculty is newly established, its classes are three classes, one is the Freshmen of Islamic Teachings, and two are the first and second classes of jurisprudence and law, and the total number of students in all classes reaches to 123 students.


The Objectives/Mission of Sharia Faculty

Faculty of Sharia is one of Islamic centers in the framework of Farah Institute of Higher Education, and certainly the mission of this faculty is also in accordance with the goals and mission of Farah Institute of Higher Education and the honorable Ministry of Higher Education of the country. In order to fulfill its mission, this faculty pursues the following goals:



Strategic Objectives


Training professional and committed scholars and teachers in the fields of Jurisprudence, Judiciary and Islamic Education.

Training of skilled and professional Preachers of Islam.

Training of specialized and committed staff for education and higher education departments.

Training of skilled and specialist staff in the field of Islam and Islamic worldview.


Scientific understanding of Islamic values ​​to the children of this country.

Publishing and spreading Islamic knowledge through the graduate students of this faculty.

Introducing and publishing the historical achievements of Islamic civilization.


Research and work on the theories in the field of Islamic economics and banking.

Conducting scientific research and jurisprudence, legal and judicial research.

Research in the field of Islamization of sciences.



  1. Department of Jurisprudence and Law
  2. Islamic Education


Committees of the Sharia Faculty

Order and Discipline Committee

Examination Committee

Electronic Learning Committee

Greenery Committee

Strategic Plan Committee

Assurance Quality committee

Cultural Committee

Research Committee

Curriculum committee

Student affairs committee

Sports Committee

Health Committee


Organizational Chart




List of staff Working in Faculty of Shariat

No Name F/Name Job Scientific Degree Educational degree Year of appointment Email address Department
1 Mufti Seraj Ahmad Rashid Nazar Mohammad Boss of faculty of sharia Associate Professor candidate Master 5/11/2023 Islamic Education
2 Mufti Amanullah Al-Masahb Ab Ghafoor Head of  Jurisprudence and Law Department Associate Professor candidate Master 4/13/2023 Islamic Education
3 Nesar Ahmad Ahmadi Mahiuddin Professor Associate Professor candidate Master 4/1/2024 Islamic Education
4 Mufti Noorul Haq Mazhari Lal Mohammad Professor Associate Professor candidate Master 4/15/2023 Islamic Education
5 Mufti Saeed Ahmad Noori Fazl Ahmad Professor Associate Professor candidate Master 4/13/2023 Islamic Education
6 Mawlavi Besmellah Amini Abdullah Professor Associate Professor candidate Master 5/10/2023 Islamic Education
7 Mawlavi Hedayatullah Hakimi Najibullah Professor Associate Professor candidate Master 5/10/2023 Islamic Education
8 Mufti Abdulzaher Sadiqi Ab Wahed Professor Associate Professor candidate Master 5/10/2023 Islamic Education
9 Mufti Mohammad Aref Halim Jumah Khan Head of the Department of Islamic Education Associate Professor candidate Master 4/15/2023 jurisprudence and law
10 Mufti Nematullah Ansari Haji Mola Abdullah Professor Associate Professor candidate Master 4/15/2023 jurisprudence and law
11 Mufti Abdul Wahab Rashid Ab Rashid Professor Associate Professor candidate Master 4/15/2023 jurisprudence and law
12 Mufti Abdul Aziz Khadam Ab Hadi Professor Associate Professor candidate Master 5/11/2023 jurisprudence and law
13 Mufti Seraj Ahmad Khairkhwah Shaikh Ahmad Professor Associate Professor candidate Master 5/11/2023 jurisprudence and law
14 Mufti Hafizullah Shaker Boor Ali Professor Associate Professor candidate Master 5/10/2023 jurisprudence and law
15 Mufti Abdul Malek Farooqi Saifuddin Professor Associate Professor candidate Master 5/10/2023 jurisprudence and law
16 Mohammad Barat Hussaini Mohammad Hussain Professor Senior Teaching Assistant Doctor 4/7/2024

jurisprudence and law
17 Muhammad Barat Muslim Jumah Gul General director of teaching Associate Professor candidate Master 7/30/2022 General Director of Teaching Affairs
18 Nooruddin Mahmoodi Abdul Qaum The manager of departments Associate Professor candidate Bachelor 7/24/2023 General Director of Teaching Affairs
19 Mansoor Mahmoodi Shah Maqsood Library manager Bachelorette ‌Bachelor 7/30/2022 Librarian