Farah Institute of Higher Education presented its strategic plan

Today on 1st of Ramadan 1445 Farah Institute of Higher Education presented its (1402 - 1407) strategic plan which was confirmed by the Ministry of Higher Education to leadership board, teachers, administrative staffs and students.
The program was started with recitation of verses of Holy Quran by Mawlawi Shah Waliullah. Then Pohanyar Fawad Matin the in charge of Strategic Plan Committee explained about the importance and value of Strategic Plan. After that Pohanyar Heshmatullah Sarani, member of the strategic plan committee, talked about the SWOT Analysis of strategic plan to the participants. Then Pohanmal Mohammad Hussain Farahi, member of the strategic plan committee, explained in details about the future plans of Farah Higher Education.
At the end of the program Mawlawi Samiullah Haqani, Farah Institute of Higher Education Chancellor, spoke about the issue and thanked all the teachers and especially strategic plan committee members. Also he promised to implement this plan in five years. The program ended with a prayer by Mawlawi Samiuhaq Asem dean of Command and Inven Department.